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First for Wellbeing

Created to deliver one of the first integrated lifestyle services in the UK, Northamptonshire County Council, Northamptonshire NHS Foundation Trust and The University of Northampton needed an online presence prior to launching in April 2016.

The effects of social media

Since the arrival of social media, the way we communicate has developed vastly, whilst it has brought about positive change, the negative impacts it can bring shouldn’t be overlooked.

Digital Transformation in the NHS

With the face-paced and ever-changing time that we’re living in, the push on Digital Transformation within the NHS is important, now more than ever.

The Benefits of Social Prescribing

The past few years has seen a significant rise in the recognition, and benefits, of Social Prescribing. Social Prescribing is a means of GPs, Nurses and Healthcare Professionals to refer people to non-clinical interventions.

Workplace Wellbeing

Common wisdom holds that worker productivity is one of the key factors in a company’s success. While this is obviously true, this fact can often be dangerously misinterpreted, even by highly qualified managers and business leaders.

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